
Showing posts from April, 2007

Spinning at 30

Thirty years, long arduous years. Today, I can turn back and look at all this with a wise grin on my face. Without remorse, without agony. Well sometimes, though the thoughts truly make me shudder. The pain, the agony, and the sorrow make me feel embittered. My soul feels torn at many places. I feel bad for all the torture I have put my mind through. But I cant help feel bad about all this. I turned 30 recently. Thirty long years of my life, and I feel I have so little to show for everything I have been through. I have given so much (or atleast tried to) but I hardly have got back anything solid in return. All I have got is heartache, and humiliation. Do i deserve all this? Am i worth only this? Is this what I was born for? Is this what my life is worth? Getting an earful from people, who are worth a piece of shit weighed in kilos! Heck, I have reached somewhere, by 30. I wanted to be here when I started my journey some 7 years back. I have done it. Why should I cow down and feel sorry