
Showing posts from September, 2008

What Makes a Good Marriage - How About Working At It?

Have you ever looked at married couples of long-standing and wondered what their secret was? Do you know a couple whose marriage seems to be “almost perfect?” How do they do it, these couples? What are they doing in their marriage that we don’t do and why do we somehow feel second rate to them? What’s WRONG with MY marriage, you may want to scream! Why aren’t WE perfect? Don’t scream and don’t feel that your marriage is inadequate because it doesn’t “measure up” to someone else’s. First of all, there are no perfect, or “almost perfect,” marriages. Anyone who feels there are has bought into the Disney version of love: Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, and, my personal favorite, Sleeping Beauty. While the “happily ever after” image of true love and marriage is hard to resist, these stories are what they are; fairy tales. They are not real life. So why do some couples seem to live in “happily ever after?” Though we may not want to use the expression, couples who seem to be hap