
Showing posts from January, 2014

My tryst with low back pain

As far as I can remember, I seemed to have back pain. I always ended up spending money and energy to get healed. Well, I wasn't even anywhere close to getting healed. I know that I had to exercise and eat healthy food. Knowledge is there, available, but I tend to ignore the wisdom. And suffer. Each time. This time, I am smarter. I have decided to follow a motto. 'If you don't mind, it won't matter.' I keep repeating this to myself. Each time the twitch, the burning pain, the stiffness appears, I repeat this. I keep reminding myself, this will pass. I have abused my body, I am getting punished. This time, I am sure, I will resurface, stronger than ever. If I have to move on to better stuff in life, I need to have a stronger body, a healthy body. I cannot fight my battles with a fractured soul and a battered spine.  Today, I decided to return to my original state of living on raw vegetables and fruits. Returning to the natural way of living. This is the most

Booster dose: Carrot + Apple + Ginger

Just got a tall glass of juice. Carrots, apples, and ginger. Many people do not relish the taste of ginger, but I love it.  It is supposed to be a cleanser. It certainly seems like. As I took my first sip, the ginger hit my tongue, then the sweetness of apples, then the carrots. This certainly is my latest love.