Of taking a break and the fine I pay

Each time I step out, I do so in trepidation. 'Coz stepping out ain't a simple task. Presumably, I need to keep in mind hundred and one people who can feel bad about me stepping out. The need to take permission and ensure the permission lasts for a long time is so very sapping.

With the memory loss kicking in big time, I wonder if I can just switch off and on and simply delete these not-so-sweet events. It is important to remember that whatever you do, you will always be the villain. Because, the womb that gave you birth was not the great one. A normal womb demands a normal or less than normal life. If you think you can lead a royal life and get a normal treatment, you are in for some rough tumbles.

Remember always that people will want you to become a robot just because you are not 'supposed' to have a mind. Take the case of Ramu. Ramu, our protagonist. Now, Ramu, is what one can call a jerk. Doesn't have balls to stand up for anyone, least of all himself. So, Ramu stands in front of Shanti, who else, the womb holder. Shanti now is not one to be easily misled. Shanti knows what power one can have over a nincompoop like Ramu. Enter, Shyama, another womb holder, but connected to Ramu. Shyama has an organ connected to the medulla oblongata too. The organ kicks in now and then and makes Shanti cringe in disgust. Shyama wants to shut off the organ but it can't be done, since if you shut it down, the body will also collapse. So, the case here is Ramu and Shanti are perplexed with Shyama. They are unable to program the device properly. The holder refuses to run any algorithm correctly, least of all the input processing program. The device called Shyama refuses to take in any kind of external codes and keeps running the antivirus program. Shanti is flabbergasted. Shanti has asked Ramu to keep 'tuning' Shyama often so that Shyama can be put into the larger cauldron to undergo the template forming procedure. Templates have to be put in place before the device becomes a year old. In case of Shyama, the OS was so hard to hack that Ramu gave up. Once or twice, Ramu used a hacking program that threatened to crash the OS, but Shanti stopped Ramu. Shanti had to keep Ramu under check. Ramu could go off into a loop and never return. Ramu's programming had got corrupted when Shanti had tried to add too many instructions. Since then Shanti kept away from Ramu's backside panel. Ramu had threatened to go into electric shock mode, behaving like a maniac.

Shyama belonged to a higher order family and could easily over run all the programming tactics that Shanti used. Shanti's methods were pre-programmed in Shyama and Shyama could anyday delete these programs and write new ones.

Shanti had to look for something new. Shyama was just  not ready to be programmed or so Shanti complained to Ramu. Ramu, the wimp, always bowed down to Shanti. Shanti had the master controller remote with her. She could press a button and make Ramu wince. A high voltage surge could paralyze Ramu.          

Ramu, in short is an asshole. I wish they would stop making Ramus. 


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I'm sorry my comment here isn't related to this post, but there was a comment you'd posted on http://accrispin.blogspot.in/2011/08/indian-writers-beware-literary-agent.html where you'd asked about Jacaranda & Red Ink literary agencies. I see that your question was never answered in that post, but did you get to know about these two agencies? I'm a budding author and I sure would appreciate any information/guidance you could give. My first book has been published by Leadstart Publishing, I'm sure you've heard of them as vanity publishers. I fell victim the first time with them because I wasn't aware of the literary world at the time. However, for my 2nd book, I am trying to be more cautious.
    I don't know where I would get a response from you - on my wordpress or email or something else, but I sure hope to hear from you soon.

    - Rupali Rajopadhye Rotti

    1. Hello Rupali,

      The publishing world is very tricky. You can write to me: writernithya@gmail.com

      I am sorry I did not respond earlier. Have faith, there are good people too. :)
      Hang on and keep writing.



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