Straight talking, straight talking...

I have always been a straight talker, don't mince words much, have little or no patience for fools. I pride myself at being able to hold onto this aspect despite opposition from the world. 

In this space, often, I have vented out many different feelings and let out several layers of emotions to virtual strangers and some friends. Sometimes, it so happens that my words are misconstrued. 

Who I am, what I choose to write in my blog, on my FB Wall, etc are my personal views. I have given nobody the right to judge me, my values, or my relationships based on what I show to others. 

I am slightly distracted by an  incident. I think, I may have sent a wrong message to a person. As an Indian woman, when I write about sex, sexual feelings, etc, I do so with an open mind and in the knowledge that the reader is free to misinterpret the meaning. I give a damn. The trouble arises when a person with a closed mind comes over for a chat and tries to get cozy (and into my pants) assuming since I write about sex and libido, I would be glad to jump into bed with them. Huh! Really? 

Guys, wake up and give us, women, a break! 

Just because a women talks to you nicely, does not mean she wants to bed you. And if she ignores or tolerates your flirtations, it maybe also because she doesn't want to lose a friend! If she wanted you as a lover, trust  me, she can very well, any day make that move and make you her lover.  

So, please, back off, and stop acting fresh. And, yes, this is my blog, I will damn well post whatever I want to. Even If I were contemplating elopement, it certainly would be with a real man and not some wimp! 

To anyone who doesn't understand who this angst is aimed at, chill, it is just for a few men who think by reading my blog posts, they have the right to comment about my personal life and they can  get into bed with me! 

Psst: A creep actually sent me a message asking if I was hot in bed! Yuck! Psycho! 


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