Book Review: The Queen of the Comeback by Nidhika Bahl

There is thing about self-help books: most of them repackage existing facts. How smartly they pull this off makes all the difference. So is the case with 'The Queen of the Comeback' by Nidhika Bahl.  

Author: Nidhika Bahl
Name of the book: The Queen of the Comeback: 7 Ways for anyone to bounce back from life's obstacles
Publisher: Black Card Books
Genre: Self-Help/Personal Growth/Success
Pages: 226

Here is what I think: 

I got this book as a review copy from the publishers in exchange for an honest review. I read this book in spurts only because that was all I could manage to do at that time. Honestly.

The book is divided into 7 chapters and the last chapter has 7 sections, each containing an inspiring tale of a survivor. Some famous names include Anurag Kashyap, Kanika Tekriwal, and Patricia Narayan.

So, after I completed Chapter 1: The Wake-Up Call, I decided to take a break. I chewed on the ideas I had just read. After a few hours, I picked up the book again and read a couple of chapters, taking time to internalize the ideas and thoughts described in detail. 

I took around 3 days to complete the book. It was certainly an effort because I usually read books pretty fast. I had to deliberately take it slow and work on the suggestions provided by the author, use them and see if they work for me. I am yet to make it a habit so I would not comment on the efficacy, but it is certainly a good start.

The first thing that pointed at the exclusivity of this book was the dedication: "This book is dedicated to all those who are battling with the dark days and think they are alone." They had me there. It felt raw and so close to home. 

All of us have been there, haven't we? The darkness within all of us, it does take a heavy toll and it remained to be seen if Nidhika offered any hope or was it again another tall tale? Let me continue. The quote printed at the top of each chapter beginning is bang on. Chapter 1 had: "The only people without problems are those in cemetries" - Tony Robbins. Well, how true, isn't it? 

Sample another one: 
Jim Rohn says, "If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." 

That was some cool advice!  

I read the first few pages easily. Reason #1 being the fluidity of language. It is easy to read. It sits well on your nerves and allows you to assimilate the information without stressing you out. I paused when I read this: "Life is difficult for everyone. This is the greatest truth of all, and once we truly see it, we transcend it." Nothing could be clearer than this. It is always our problems and our depression that we swim in, giving no consideration whatsoever to others or even loved ones, never once allowing others the benefit of the doubt that  maybe they are also going through a similar, or maybe a more difficult time. We  tend to gloat about our miseries and ignore the obvious distress calls from loved ones. It is sad but it is the truth. So, it hit me hard when I read this line, "Once we truly know and accept that life is difficult for everyone around us, then life is no longer difficult." I did have trouble accepting that one. I mulled over it for a while before deciding to move on. It was yet to be seen if this book would give me something worthwhile.I continued my journey with Nidhika and paused to reflect on the quotes brilliantly interspersed. When I reached Chapter 7, I paused again, to assimilate all that I had learned rather re-learned. You see, all this information, this is not new. We all have heard it from someone, teacher, parents, a well-meaning mentor, or that babaji on TV. But, how much do we actually practice? Nah, zero % maybe. Same is the case with me.

This was supposed to be a read-and-review kind of an exercise for me. I didn't realize when it became a life changing experience! Coming to the point, I would just add that THIS book is worth all the time in the world and is a must read. Whatever your situation might be, I would urge all of you to pick it up and read it at least once. If you read my blog posts, you would have seen that I have never bothered to "market" any book, including mine! But this book is a must read. This is one of the best self-help books to have hit the market in recent times. 

That said, let me talk about a bit about the cover design, language, and layout. 

Cover Design
The delightful picture of the author makes you take a second look, not because she is pretty, but because of the way the picture exudes positivity. So, in my mind the design is a winner. It has effectively created intrigue and forced the audience to give the book a chance and pick it up. 

Aah, my pet peeve. 
The language is easy and flows very well. Simple English words and no flowery terms used here.    

The chapters are laid out very well, making it simpler for the reader to understand and assimilate all this information. The quotes and images interspersed within the chapters make for delightful and easy reading. The book doesn't feel heavy despite having 226 pages. The font is easy on the eye and the story of a Chennai entrepreneur, Patricia Narayan, a surprise element for readers from Chennai. 

Ratings are here: 
Ease of reading: 5/5
Worth the moolah: 4.5/5
Must read factor: 5/5   

About the Author
Link 1: Talks about how Nidhika Bahl associates with Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva 2017 as Life Coach 

Link 2: Her website 


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