Book Review: Amulya Malladi's books

If you have ever felt consumed by the need to know more about an author or get into their minds through their writing, you would perfectly understand my situation. 

Amulya Malladi did this to me. I read all her books back to back within  couple of weeks. 

A few I downloaded using my Kindle Unlimited subscription, a couple I purchased. I was so enamored by the lady's style of writing that I just had this weird compulsion to read everything I could lay my hands on. Easy to read, laid back yet fast paced, no mincing of words, her words felt like honey after the blatant abuse my mind had undergone after reading a few pieces of total shit. 

I treated her books like little treats. To be consumed when I was down or had just completed a strenuous task. It did my spirits a lot of good. Be it "The Mango Season", "A House for Happy Mothers", "A Breath of Fresh Air", or "The Copenhagen Affair" I lapped up everything that Amulya offered. 

Each story was unique, fresh, and offered (I felt) a slice of what Amulya had seen in her eventful life. There are these times when an author views incidents around her as if they are happening on TV. A sense of total detachment can be felt. Amulya took me through a similar journey. In each of her book, I felt complete empathy with the protagonist, in fact, I could sense their misery or dismay. Such was the impact. 

This certainly doesn't qualify as a book review, but I surely do recommend all her books to anyone who stumbles upon this post.


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