Stress is a natural and necessary consequence of living

Stress is a natural and necessary consequence of living. But there’s no need for us to be subject to it in abnormal amounts. Any influence that perverts or abuses the expenditure of our energy toward our desired functions is stress.When excessive, it produces undesirable reactions, both physical and mental.

Examples of stress symptoms are: overeating, drug or alcohol abuse, excessive smoking, glued to the TV, loss of appetite, boredom, twitches and tics, inability to concentrate, persistent worry and fear, hopelessness, depression, sudden lapses of memory, disturbed sleep, sudden feelings of hyper-elation, frequent colds and illness, aches, muscle cramps and chronic fatigue.

It is easy to have any one of these symptoms in a very subtle form and tend to pass it off as not important. Adequate stress management, or coping with stress, must start by recognizing the underlying symptoms, then doing something about it. Our Hindu yoga practices alleviate stress – a fact which Western medicine is just now recognizing.

Hatha yoga teaches us to relax the physical body through stretching and breath control. Diaphragmatic breathing makes us aware of the condition of our body and mind. In order to strengthen the diaphragm – a muscle of respiration – we may practice “sandbag” breathing. A sandbag weighing five to ten pounds is placed upon the upper abdomen to give a slight resistance to the movement of the abdomen during inhalation or contraction of the diaphragm.

A powerful relaxation method is “Alternate Breathing.” The basic technique is to apply slight pressure on the left nostril with the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. The thumb is used to apply a slight pressure on the right nostril. Breathe in through the right nostril, closing it after inhalation is complete and then breathe out through the left side. Then the breath is taken in through the left nostril and the exhalation is out the right. This completes one round then you start over.

Breathe smoothly, slowly with no pause between inhalation and exhalation. Do three rounds of alternate breathing whenever you’re over-stressed. Awareness is drawn to breathing, and thus withdrawn from the stressful situation.

Alternate breathing may be preceded or followed by conscious, diaphragmatic and even breathing. This is a slow, deliberate inhalation and exhalation of equal length, say a count of four in and a count of four out with no pause at the change from inhalation to exhalation, or vice versa.

Once rhythm is attained, slow down the breath until you’re exhaling twice the time that you’re inhaling; using a 2:1 pattern. This stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (slowing the heart rate), brings relaxation and reduces arousal stimulations. Plus, meditation performed twice daily broadens our consciousness and maintains the state of living in the present. It protects us from reacting negatively to the stress of living in our fast-paced world.


  1. Myles was a 20 year-old man who was brought to the emergency room by the campus police of the college from which he had been suspended several months ago. A professor had called and reported that Myles had walked into his classroom, accused him of taking his tuition money and refused to leave. I was as shocked as a father, Although Myles had much academic success as a teenager, his behavior had become increasingly odd during the past year. He quit seeing his friends and no longer seemed to care about his appearance or social pursuits. He began wearing the same clothes each day and seldom bathed. He lived with several family members but rarely spoke to any of them. When he did talk to them, he said he had found clues that his college was just a front for an organized crime operation. He had been suspended from college because of missing many classes. His sister said that she had often seen him mumbling quietly to himself and at times he seemed to be talking to people who were not there. He would emerge from his room and ask his family to be quiet even when they were not making any noise.I could not stand the shame of my son illness so I decide to consult some of my africa friends at work , and then Tasha introduced me to Dr. Itua who uses her herbal medicines to cure her Hiv and Prostate Cancer after the herbal medicine consumption. I place an order for my son and he hands it to my post office, then I pick it up and use it for three weeks. My son 's treatment was done and he is now doing good and behaving normally like a human being is supposed to. is completely healed. I tell you honestly that this man is a great man, I trust him Herbal medicine so much that I share this to show my gratitude and also to let sick people know that there is hope with Dr. Itua. Herbal Center.Dr Itua Contact He cures, Herpes, Prostate, Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, CEREBRAL VASCULAR ACCIDENT, Endometrial Cancer, cerebrovascular diseases Hepatitis,Glaucoma, Cataracts,Macular degeneration, Cardiovascular disease, Lung disease, Enlarged prostate, Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Tach Disease, Shingles, Lung Cancer, Leukemia Lymphoma, Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma Asbestos, Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer, Skin Cancer, Brain Tumor, H.P.V TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 AND TYPE 4. TYPE 5. HIV,Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Fluoroquinolone Toxicity, Cervical Cancer, Colo-rectal Cancer, Blood Cancer, SYPHILIS, Diabetes, Liver / Inflammatory kidney, Epilepsy.


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