Being All Parts

Have you ever wondered if you were living all parts of your body totally and completely? Have you ever wondered how it would feel to feel and live with all the parts of your body? Do you know that people only accept certain parts of you. Rest, they simply reject. Maybe, because they aren't so comfortable with the parts. Leave alone other people, have you, as an individual, accepted your wholeness with all its flaws. Do you have the courage to face yourself?


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    wonderful thought. u r beginning to think! great news

  2. hy nk! great thoughts from you dee...i think even if you like or dont like yourself in enterity, you still lead a life that gives you a sense of happiness and individuality...and well if you dont like anywz have the cosmetic surgery to lift up anytg u want...u always have an option dear...well i like you the way you are and that is always the best in u dude

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Interesting..that was some serious thinking (So u do think seriously too!!)- rashmi

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Hey blog update kay yaar-rashmi

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM update kar-rashmi:-)


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