Coffee and starting the day

Hi blog!

I start my day with coffee. Somehow the brew is very addictive and intoxicating. Intoxicating?? What am i saying?? How can a nicotine-laced stuff be anything like that? Well, that is how I feel coffee is.

The lovers for coffee round the world might agree with me. My cuppa in the morning wakes my sleepy mind and makes me awake and shine.

In the real sense of the world it is "Rise and Shine." Hmm man's affair with this heady concoction started in Circa 850. An Ethiopian shepherd, chanced upon this wonder herb, when one of his goats became "extra active" after chewing on the herb. Viola! Coffee had been discovered.

Circa 1100 : "The coffee first trees are cultivated on the Arabian peninsula. Coffee is first roasted and boiled by Arabs making "qahwa" --- a beverage made from plants."

{Courtesy - }

Interestingly, Qahwa is the also a type of tea usually drunk in parts of the Himalayan kingdom. Kashmiris drink Qahwa as often as possible. Qawha is a special variety of black tea, which has been interlaced with a lot of nuts and spices. So much for this humble looking plant that took the world by surprise.

Tea drinkers were taken away by this coffee storm. From 1475 till today, the herb has a staunch following that boasts of a clearer head, immediately after consuming the concoction. Interestingly, instant coffee was introduced only in 1938, by Nescafe.

This was done to help the Brazilian government tackle its surplus production of coffee!

Signing off with this fresh start...

Have a Great umm coffee day :)


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Everytime I sip one ...4 times a day no cream and sugar ...I curse my Delhi Upbringing ...I was alien to coffee till 21, when I met my first girlfriend, who was an airhostess...God bless her soul...she taught coffee and many other things ...I missed this "wake up" call ...for so long ...for now ..Thank God for Starbucks ...


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