Hatred - an emotion under threat

Hi blog,

Read a blog of a guy called Nocturne. Here is the URL. http://nocturne.journalspace.com/
He has some real strong views on love and relations. Guess must be a devdas or something.
Anyway, I have tried hard to be in the Present and not think anything even remotely connected to my past.

Why is it so difficult for us to pull away from something that is not tangible at all. It is something like God, you know, everyone knows He is present, but no one believes until one has felt the presence. Same way, unless you have had a heartbreak, you never know, what feeling remorse or hatred is.

Hatred - an emotion, which signifies that the person who is being hated has hurt you real bad and you are kicking yourself for allowing them to do it. What else can be said.

Am writing so much nowadays. My god! I must be seriously worried or sad. Guess both. I have felt all these emotions before. It is like de ja vu. It keeps happening again and again. To me. I wonder, should I just stop and let everything happen on its own and stop trying to control things. Then what would happen to theories like mental control, meditation etc etc etc...

Visualization - I learnt in some class, that Action follows Thoughts. Hence if I have good thoughts the actions are bound to follow. But what kinda action am I getting here? Nill. Hmm, actually If I keep getting positive thoughts, I simply end up having a bad mood than anything else. Forgetting for some time helps. It does. But till a certain time, then the thoughts rush back to fill up a vaccum created by the emptiness. But as long it stays, the emptiness is bliss.

The mind stays clear and almost gives a peaceful atmosphere, and I can almost feel the happiness trickling down. But suddenly like a downpour, the black evil thoughts, drown the white ones and bingo! the mind is again enveloped in darkness and sorrow. Anguish is an emotion that is predominant. Helplessness followed by an inability to control my fate, makes me mad with anger. Then after a brief lull, the storm starts again. It is like the Tsunami that hit the Indian coast. It hits, takes away everything and then starts again to ravage the remaining.

Want to do some networking. Will come back and write more.

Bye blog


  1. Hi Crazyrose,

    Hatred and Love are two opposite sides of emotion. You cannot feel one without the other. To know how much you really love a person can be realized only by your hatred to another.

    What you can really do is understand your hate. But hey, you have to live with it!


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