Kaapi - Moksha - Mocha - Candles ;)

Coffee - its heady aroma makes you come alive, truly.

What all could happen when a group of 20 somethings go on a coffee trip around Chennai, looking for a place called Barista. A lot in fact. For instance, an estranged couple could feel one's eyes boring into the other, or the presence of pretty young things in teen weeny tops could make the female of the couple suddenly feel conscious of her bulge and her expanding waistline. But love has a way of blinding a man and he cannot see any woman except his loved one. So was the case with the couple who itched to hold hands and lock eyes but rarely looked at each other and tried to act as if they were just part of the group, who were out on a trip to the cafe at Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Chennai - Mocha`.

Three boys and four girls from different age groups made their way to the cafe near Barista. The couple of our story had been seeing each other for quite some time, but meeting in a group and acting as if they knew each other only as friends was quite some thing and required some acting. Well, actors they were. Very good at it. They could control the signals emitted by their bodies but what they could not control were the vibes emanating from each other's eyes that met somewhere near the candle and then seemed to merge in the yellow luminosity. Was it simply the ambience or was there something in the Desserts that did the trick? Well, only the lady knows or knows the gent who tried all possible ways not to look at his love, but still not able to look away from her, for there she was sitting right with him, resplendent in a light colored dress, with all her affection and love writ large on her delicate face. He had to see the face. How could he turn his back? He did not. But he took care not to make the group know about their story, coz there might be a big scene. The group parted after a 2-hour long discussion on the workplace and other mundane things, on which neither of the pair's brain was working. They parted saying goodbye to each other as if they were strangers. That was the best part, a pair had been with each other, without letting the group know they were mentally communicating a lot of unspoken words and sweet nothings to each other over the scented candle that burnt away, taking with it many a restrictions and fear. They locked eyes when they were parting and tried not to rush into each other's arms, but they had to go home only to speak to each other over the telephone and say bye bye for the time being. In Netspeak, say Bye ForNow!


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