The Piligrimage

October7th, 2006, went to Shirdi. A place where Sai Baba stayed and blessed his devotees and people who flocked to him. He was above all caste and creed and welcomed all and sundry with open arms. Sai Baba has a great following due to his gentleness and love for all human beings.

Shirdi is supposed to be a very holy place and I had a deep want to go visit the place and feel the presence of the holy saint who once lived there. I went, with a lot of hope and wishes. I travelled to Pune and endured a treacherous drive on bumpy roads and arrived at Shirdi at 4 o' clock. It is a noisy Maharashtrian town, which has shaken off its village charms and has taken on the viles of the city.

Around 150 - 200 kms from Pune, the bustling town draws a lot of tourists and piligrims from all over. Sai Baba calls devotees from every corner. He called me. I went. But a security guard, a mere mortal, made my encounter a bitter one. But I will go again. My relation is with the Baba, who soothed my pain and understood that I needed a lot of love. I felt blessed when I saw the ivory statue standing before me. The benevolence of the eyes and love and affection pouring from Baba's eyes were the fruits of my labour. I would go again and again to behold such ethereal beauty. Anyday!


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    i'll come month?

  2. have you been to the Shirdi Sai Baba temple on ECR...the left immediately after food is a very divine and blissful place.

  3. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I am left speechless ....divinity is the only word I can think of ....


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