Changes in my Life

29.... going on 30, in a coupla days. A little bit apprehensive about everything. I am. I don't know if this is correct or I am over-exaggerating. I always do that. I tend to crib, a lot. Cry some more, and act as if the world is falling in. Well, this seems to be the case, for the past few weeks. I am not sure where I will be in the next few months. Change. Is such a reluctant adversary. Ain't it. Heh.

Moving on with a new job, feels as if I am leaving my household and moving on to a new life altogether. Technically this is not reality. But yeah, my mind has conjured up such ideas. It is real for my mind. Which in turn, seems to be real for me. The world feels I am a fool. I am sentimentally attached to my job, my workplace, and my friends. I am. No doubt about that. But, is it wrong. It ain't. But anyway, if you see it this way. If my friends get an opp for moving away to a better paypacket, wont they grab it. Well no harm in me doing the same. Isnt it. Hey. I am here to earn my bread, not being part of a friendship brigade.

After writing the above a few weeks ago, I moved on. Though very reluctant at first. But slowly I have adapted to my new life. Going to work at 2 and coming back at 10:30. Its good for me. I will love it. I have to prove myself. For myself.


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