The Bank

A glass covered ceiling, reflecting the sun and throwing up myriads of particles on the occupants of this humongous structure. The reflecting walls make up for the beauty lost with the ultra-secure containment outside the building. The security guards instructed to frisk each and every passerby do irk you, but then the building deserves this, so you tend to let go. Welcome to the Bank.

After 12 days of fooling around within the confines of this International organisation, I already feel like a veteran. But not so much, since I am yet to go through the bad parts of being here. I am very confident that nothing can beat my previous employer, in making people work like a pig. Guess, I am being polite when I say this, though.

Life is like a sieve. You can see the other side, very clearly, but to reach the other side, you must go through the sieving process to make the finer aspects more fine. You get the best of all the words. You become the quintessential maker of your fortune. The Rainmaker.

As of today, I have been productive here and feel confortable coming to work, what with easy timings, and a flexible attitude of the boss, life seems blisfful. Am just waiting for the rainstorms to arrive. What with a certain lady who seems hell bent on not talking to me directly. Well, in every basket there would be a sour guy. Err should i say lady! ;)

Catchya soon blog, later with spicy bits.


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