Fat n Weight Loss

Look at the picture on the left. Imagine how long it would take any of us to reach this stage. Some of us, with very very unhealthy eating habits, maybe reaching this 'goal' sooner. Many of us hide our fat under layers of clothes.

What would you do if you are saddled with tonnes of fat like this. The best option is to opt for liposuction. But this is an option that can be used for extreme cases. Normally, people are overweight or obese, with loads of fat tucked into the thighs, hips, and abdomen. But hardly is any fat visible, and we tend to ignore fat until it disrupts our daily lives. Today, lets see how we can fight this monster called Fat.

Most people think it is normal to have loads of fat under the belt or over it. Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. This gives raise to serious health risks. The location of the fat also plays an important role in health issues. For example, if the excess fat is in the abdomen, slimming down may be the only option to avoid health problems.
Look around you, and you will be bombarded with umpteen reminders of a reduced frame and an anorexic body. Overweight people are more likely to develop diseases such as heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain types of cancers.
Medically, overweight or fat people tend to have high levels of bad cholestrol, and a more than normal total blood cholestrol. Take caution, and control that urge now. Take up cudgels against your worst enemy and become this!


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