The Ideal Way

Ever wondered how Aishwarya Rai keeps a hold on all her love handles and handles Abhi baby's love as well! No? well, neither have I. Lets wonder together, and do research. I have found out from a li'l research that the food that you eat is not only connected to the tubeless tires around your hips and waist, but is also connected to your mood swings. Moreso if you are a woman. Welcome to the irritated women club!

Some background:

Most women secrete hormones called Serotonin. (See image) This is a mood-enhancing hormone. This causes them to be happy, chirpy, and very pleasant. If you exercise during this time, it raises the level of dopamine in your blood stream and gives you a good 'high.' (The effect of lower serotonin levels are evident during your monthly cycle - PMS!). This also explains why we feel slightly elated when we binge on dark chocolates, and food during depression. Voila!

Well, for men, it is Dopamine. (See image.) Dopamine is produced in ample quantity during the mornings and the day. During the day, men deplete their levels of dpoamine in their blood stream, and this causes them to become irritant with their spouses and snap at their kids. Ever noticed this behaviour? You can go home and look at your spouse/father/brother.

Women on the other hand are an unlucky lot. Serotonin is produced in lower quantities, which makes the women cling to men for support. Cuddling to a partner or getting hugged fuels serotonin production in women, which is why women start feeling happy if they are cuddled or simply paid attention to. (Its actually easy to please a woman!)

The Ideal Way:

Well, I was telling you what to do to weigh what you want to and still eat what you want to.

The primary thing you need to do is to understand yourself, your body, and your metabolism. You are the best person to understand when you should eat, what you should eat, and when you should exercise. By understanding and listening to your inner self you are connecting to your inner voice which will never misguide you. You can eat whatever you want, but try to go easy on the fat and caffeine after 8 PM (IST). This would not disrupt your sleep cycle and hence would not throw your metabolism out of order.

Some simple things that you can start with:

  • Eat your heaviest meal during the day. Go easy on oil, fat, and non-veg dishes during dinner. Preferably you can go for a veggie dish, with lotsa water.

  • Drink plenty of water. Preferably whenever you feel thirsty. (Psst water makes your skin glow!)

  • Try to move your body, get some exercise. Anything is an exercise. Even doing household chores is an active exercise. Unless you are trying to build some serious muscle like Arnold, you need not worry about burning calories. All these chores will happily burn your calories. (Jump into a pool, its fun!)
  • Try to move around a lot. Even if you are watching TV after a long day, try to move your limbs and get blood circulating through your veins.
  • Last but not the least, try a holistic way of living. If you believe in it, try to sign up for an AOL course.

Try these, I bet you can give Ash a run for her money. :-)


  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

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  2. yes its true that food and mood are connected..check this out
    currently, im looking for sites that have reciepes for healthier breakfasts.let me know if you know of any :) -rashmi


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