
Showing posts from July, 2007

Diesel Engine in a Swift

Picture this: A new swanky Maruti Swift, shining in the moonlight. Sounds good, aint it? Well yeah. It has been designed well too. Swift's core contains a 4 cylinder 16 valve DOHC arrangement with a 75bhp performance. The new Maruti Swift VDi has a Common Rail Multi Injection fuel system to boast of. I dont know what this was. Wiki came to my rescue, now I know something. Let me give you gyan. In older diesel engines, a distributor-type injection pump, regulated by the engine, supplies bursts of fuel to injectors which are simply nozzles through which the diesel is sprayed into the engine's combustion chamber. In common rail systems like the engine in Swift, the distributor injection pump is eliminated. Instead an extremely high pressure pump stores a reservoir of fuel at high pressure – up to 2,000 bar (200 MPa, 29,000 psi)[1] – in a "common rail", basically a tube which in turn branches off to computer-controlled injector valves, each of which contains a precision


I came across this article on a website. I found it rather amusing, so I am reproducing it here. :) Read and enjoy. The biggest problem with us Indians; is our big mouths. We talk too much. But when it comes to action, we're too tired from all that talking to really do anything about anything. Or, we come up with the most ridiculous suggestions. Like the brilliant suggestion our ministry* of (god knows whose) welfare has come up with to solve the burgeoning population and HIV crisis (we are number two and three in the world respectively). Apparently, the best way to fight the problem is to introduce - hold your breaths people (ha, ha) - paan-flavoured condoms. (*While the government is not directly involved - the condoms are being launched by a private body - any such product release will require government approval) Apparently, it's a preference for paan that has led to conclusive conclusions that paan-flavoured condoms will work where other condoms have not. By that logic, a

Rule of Karma - The Law of Threefold Return

Nature has a way of remembering everything. Mother Nature as we call her. It is the power of nature that is considered very potent, and that is worshipped by people who believe in New age religions. Paganism, or being different is simply to understand the flowers, trees, humans, animals around you and responding to their stimuli. This is the basis for pagan worshippers and the establishment for pagan goddesses. Well, did you notice I said goddesses; there are no gods. Err. Yes, nature is female. Not male. So pagan worshippers are also worshippers of the female form. Something like the followers of the Virgin Mary . Now, this was a base for what I wanted to write. I came across something that was shocking for me. I chanced upon a website that led me to a Yahoo group which, well, was for Witches. The list owner was claiming to be a neo-pagan follower and a practising witch, somewhere in Mumbai. Well, tll date, I had seen women who advertised themselves as witches and psychics and said th

Thank God, Am not African or Arab

Strange it seems isnt it, the title. Well, I am so shocked and tortured at reading an article about female genital mutilation, this was the first thing that crossed my mind. For the uninitiated, here is a link to the most gruesome practice in the world. For people who don't have the patience to go through the entire piece, here is a shorter version. Female genital mutilation or female genital circumcision (FGC), is practised in the African subcontinent and the Middle East, among the Christians and the Muslims. (Well, this is rare in Indian Muslims and Christians! I wonder why.) The one and only reason given for this barbaric practice is that, it enhances the sexual pleasure of the husband! (Guess men, seriously need to grow up.) Here are four important reasons that this practice is still carried out by Muslims and Christians (Arabs and African-origin): The custom involves the "rite of passage" of the young girl child from

Shame on Indian Media

I received this e-mail from a friend, today. I want to share this with anybody who cares to read via my blog. I want to do this instead of sending 1000 e-mails to my contacts. Shame on Indian Media Dear Editors of HT, TOI, IndianExpress and The Hindu, I got the mail below from a friend of mine and following the unwritten code of conduct, I am forwarding it to my friends but all efforts of people who have been forwarding this mail would go waste if this mail doesn't reach YOU....... Something to think about..!! By the time u guys read this news, the body of Major Manish Pitambare, who was shot dead at Anantnag, would have been cremated with full military honors. On Tuesday, this news swept across all the news channels 'Sanjay Dutt relieved by court'. 'Sirf Munna not a bhai' '13 saal ka vanvaas khatam' 'although found guilty for possession of armory, Sanjay can breath sigh of relief as all the TADA charges against him are withdrawn' Then many personal