Rule of Karma - The Law of Threefold Return

Nature has a way of remembering everything. Mother Nature as we call her. It is the power of nature that is considered very potent, and that is worshipped by people who believe in New age religions. Paganism, or being different is simply to understand the flowers, trees, humans, animals around you and responding to their stimuli. This is the basis for pagan worshippers and the establishment for pagan goddesses. Well, did you notice I said goddesses; there are no gods. Err. Yes, nature is female. Not male. So pagan worshippers are also worshippers of the female form. Something like the followers of the Virgin Mary.

Now, this was a base for what I wanted to write. I came across something that was shocking for me. I chanced upon a website that led me to a Yahoo group which, well, was for Witches. The list owner was claiming to be a neo-pagan follower and a practising witch, somewhere in Mumbai. Well, tll date, I had seen women who advertised themselves as witches and psychics and said they could cure any evil, blah blah. But man, this website was like fully professional. They had hundreds of articles to rest doubts arising in the minds of the uninitiated like me.

I got more curious. I went and browsed through the whole site and found to my surprise, a lot of information on what and how a person realised they had special powers etc. I was taken aback. I have been a religious person, on and off, though, but have never been so blatantly surprised by anything like this.

I am still baffled by this. I am sure this is a tip of the iceberg. I am eager to unearth all this and read more. :-)


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    really baffling indeed.. could the share the group name??


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