Thank God, Am not African or Arab

Strange it seems isnt it, the title. Well, I am so shocked and tortured at reading an article about female genital mutilation, this was the first thing that crossed my mind. For the uninitiated, here is a link to the most gruesome practice in the world.

For people who don't have the patience to go through the entire piece, here is a shorter version. Female genital mutilation or female genital circumcision (FGC), is practised in the African subcontinent and the Middle East, among the Christians and the Muslims. (Well, this is rare in Indian Muslims and Christians! I wonder why.) The one and only reason given for this barbaric practice is that, it enhances the sexual pleasure of the husband! (Guess men, seriously need to grow up.)

Here are four important reasons that this practice is still carried out by Muslims and Christians (Arabs and African-origin):

  • The custom involves the "rite of passage" of the young girl child from childhood to adulthood and making sure that she is good marriage material.
  • It controls and 'kills' the woman's sexuality (read libido), and makes sure that she maintains her virginity, morality, and marriageability. The husband 'cuts' open her vulva on the wedding night and claims to have a stupendous pleasure, at the sake of a writhing woman. Sic.
  • This practice is a primary source of income for many women and midwifes.

Well, after doing some research on this barbaric custom, I found a line, which was quite, hellish:

Only one of the four Islamic schools of jurisprudence or law, the Shafi'i school, ordered for a "slight trimming" of the hood of the clitoris, supposedly in order to enhance sexual pleasure for the woman.

I am truly happy and feel really safe that I was born in India. That I am not Muslim, or Christian, and most of all, NOT African! Thank God.


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