Ganesh Chaturthi - The Lore

Ganesha Chaturthi:

I have had another belief since childhood. I never see the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi day. My granny used to say, If I see the Moon on this day, I will have one full year of extreme bad luck. Well, for 2 years, I determinedly saw the Moon and fell into all sorts of trouble, had a disastrous life.

Not to say that people who do not see the Moon had a fantabulous life that year, but every year, during this day, I make sure I do not see the Moon. Interestingly, the Moon, which plays hide and seek every other day appears in its full glory and seems very close to earth too! Lo!

That's unfair, ain't it? I want to have a nice year, why should it be ruined by the mere sight of a stupid planet! Guess the intelligent God had some idea when he
cursed Mr. Moon thus. ok. For the uninitiated, here goes the lore.

On a Chaturthi day, our Ganesha was going from house to house eating all he could and stuffing himself with kozhakattais and sweets. As a result, his tummy grew bigger and bigger, and he tripped on a stone and fell down. Seeing this the Moon God, who was watching Ganesha from the sky, who is also considered very handsome, laughed out aloud. His uncontrollable laughter irked the nice, sweet Ganesha. Totally irritated by the Moon God, Ganesha cursed him. The Moon God will never be in his full glory. He would become totally black, and ugly. He would lose all his charm. The Moon God immediately started fading into blackness. Realizing his folly and the Moon God fell at Ganesha's feet and begged for forgiveness.

The kind-hearted Ganesha forgave him, and instead said, the Moon God would not lose his charm completely, instead he would have a waxing and waning period every month. (Yeah, the full moon and no moon night fundas) And as a precaution, Ganesha also said that whoever saw and admired the Moon God on a Ganesha Chaturthi Day would be cursed for a year. He would go through fate worse than a street dog.

There is no known remedy for this curse till date. Atleast till the time my granny told me this tale and I absorbed it, there was none. :)

To all, Happy Ganesha Chaturthi!


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