"Understanding" girlfriend mangta hai kissiko

Koi na koi chahiye, understanding karne wala.

Life has become a BIG game of understanding. Next time, I say,"I understand" I feel like kicking my butt myself. I understand that I have to be subservient, and not nod my head sideways and throw open my feelings and emote unnecessarily. Is it true that PMS is making me write all this? But I feel a bit better after puking on my blog. I know people who will read it (if anybody does) will feel bad, some of them would.Sorry folks. I am down in the dumps. Too low. Hate males. Dont want to see another man in the next 100 years. Ok. Going to sleep now.

Tchao. Bon Soiree.


  1. :|:|
    exactly the same way i feel.. expect that i m guy..


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