Shaadi Ka Laddu

I had a providential opportunity to eat the proverbial shaadi ka laddu. Well here is a rundown on the experience. For all you single women out there waiting for your prince charming, please do not wait for happiness to knock on your doors. Trust me, you guys are the happiest on the planet. Yes, yes. I am not joking. Actually, at this juncture, I would be glad to go back to my single days. Of dreaming about my prince and day dreaming of romantic outings.

Real life bites hard. I am bitten by the reality bug so many times, there is no place left on my body for other bites. Well, sarcasm aside, I was one of those women who wanted to join the Mrs. gang very soon. I gave up so many things dear to me to attain this. Well, I reached this peak. And I am all alone. I can see other Mrs' who are standing all alone on their peaks. The problem lies in our societal mentality. What we as women perceive as a way of attaining social status gives us just that. A status symbol. Instead, it takes away a very important part of you. Your self esteem, your freedom, your self. You are no longer you. You merges into the Mrs self and remains so, till you die.

Still want to wait for that Prince. Well, let me give you some tips then. If possible, have a love marriage. If no bloke seems to fall in love with you, or you are unable to lower your intellect and ignore some hunk's stupidity enough to marry him, well, adjust to some other hunk with a little bit of grey cells who may actually not set your desires on fire. Lets see, most Indian women do not marry men they have dated or desired. In almost all cases, the men they desire are not serious enough to be made husbands, and the men they eventually marry cut a sorry figure in front of the hunks they dated! Go figure. Sad, but true. So these women end up living a fantasy life with an imaginary hunk and adjust to the bloke snoring nect to her on the double bed. Duh!

If statistics have to be believed, most Indian women have never had an orgasm. But, who is listening? Does the husband care? Nah. He is more bothered about how JLo's bum shakes rather paying attention to the siren he married. Indian men, are the real reason women live in this fantasy world. If these husbands were a bit creative and thought up new ways to woo their wives, women would become easier to deal with. Trust me on this. Men, you have a deadly weapon in your hands. Use it wisely. But, which idiot has the time to go through my blog. :-) So, all you women out there, take heart and have an affair. Go, flirt with your sexy co-worker, and if you get a chance, sleep with him. After all, we are from a nation that gave Kamasutra to the world. Didn't we?


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