The recession

Job cuts, salary cuts, and pink slips are the order of the day.

Circa 2009:

The year started with a bang, but ugliness has reared its head. Recession is hitting every industry badly. The education sector and the BPOs are making a lot of money and are still recruiting. But others are eyeing the costly employee. Ousted, fired, polite pink slips are a reality this month. January has had a bleak start. Let us wait and watch how the recession wipes out the corporate sector.

What with Satyam going down faster that a meteor, things are not going to be rosy for the ID card-toting software types. People have been laid off in most divisions of the eLearning division of Satyam. Managers and Project managers who considered themselves demi gods are looking at cheaper paychecks to atleast survive in the market. An Edutech or an Aptech has become a viable option. An unknown Teledata has become the recruiter of the day. Snobbishness has given way to desperation.

Hurrah! The recession has finally made people out of demi gods.


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