Book Review #2: Two States by Chetan Bhagat

I am currently reading Chetan Bhagat's 2 States. It is a love story, but told in a nice way. Its as if the author is speaking with you and telling you the story. An informal, yet powerful way of capturing the reader's attention. Now, the thing with Indian readers is that they pick up books that tell them tales of woes that are similar to theirs. They like to read books or see movies that sell them a dream. The dream that makes all those ads to sell nonsensical products. Now, now I was telling you about 2 States.

The story is about a Madrassi and a Punjabi munda. Eh, you know how it is, right. Yes, we know it too. All love stories have this tinge to them. The hatred, the love conquers all theme. Cmon, we all grew up on this. :)

Now, 2 states is about how 2 IIM grads make out in college and try to understand their parents when they freak out at the mention of marriage between a Punju and Madrassi. Now, is that a new topic?
Now, what is different in this, is the treatment. The love story is same, the author is new. I am yet to finish it, but the way he has written it is surely entertaining. Especially for a TamBram who grew up in Calcutta.

I have completed the book and now its lying somewhere in my co-sister's book shelf. Forgotten. I liked the ending, the birth of the twins.

My rating: 4 stars, good read


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