Potent Body, Impotent Mind

Its a rainy, dreamy day here, in Chennai. Usually, hot and humid, Chennai is looking greener. I love the weather. On my way to work, I kept ogling at the green leaves on brown trees and the miniscule saplings planted near the footpaths. I wonder at God's ability to create such beauty. Well, a higher being like God can only create such beauty. No man can attain such perfection.

After marveling at the perfection and beauty on my way, I began thinking about the reason why a human being is incapable of attaining such perfection. Is it the genetic coding or simply the thought process that stops an average man from reaching the pinnacle? I wonder.

Usually, human beings are goal-oriented and strive to achieve something in their short lives. There should be something that would give an impetus to them to reach the pinnacle sooner. Is it the mind or destiny? Or a combination of factors? I am chewing on this...

The human mind, they say is capable of innumerable achievements and thoughts. But, the average man uses his mind and brain to deliver a course, make a presentation, or sell a product. Does this push the boundaries of our minds? Where do we go wrong in our upbringing? Wherever I look, I see clones. Clones of each other. The clones that are slightly different, turn out to be clones of a different kind. Is the great human race, nothing but a result of copy-paste work?

I have come to understand that human beings are capable of greatness. But, achieving greatness and resisting to succumb to the coziness of the mundane is nothing short of a miracle. So, my question is, can a human being turn his mundane brain into a super computer simply by wishing or doing a few copy-paste tasks? Is it that easy? Or is it a life-long process?

I have heard people give the easy answer, "Oh, I am so old to do this and that." "Oh, no no, I will look like a fool if I attempt to do this at my age." So on. Is the age of the body a factor at all? How does it matter to the mind if the body is 100 years old. 'Coz we are descendents of people who used their mind power to conquer the Universe. And, we are hesitant to conquer a small iota of the Universe, our world.

I often feel, we are trained to become lethargic and hesitant to push our limits and test our luck. We are more than happy to fall into the awaiting trap of familiarity and mundane ness. Routine gives us a comfort zone. We are the happiest in the company of a society that is impotent in thoughts. We feel we are in our mother's womb when we follow the routine and do not challenge dogmas.

The need of the hour is to fire up the mind, drive out the cobwebs of impotency, and enliven our brains. Only then can we attempt to think of an independent and healthy state.


  1. Sure thing! Let's just push the boundaries and bomb mundaneness out!! :D

  2. Nice thought! I appreciate that u wanted to match God in creating things... ;)


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