Dreaming of Animals

There have been days when I dream some really strange dreams. I am a person who dreams like people see a film or a series. I even remember what I dreamt the next morning. 

So, this post is about some wild animals who have been frequenting my dreams of late, I thought I should write it down somewhere so that I don't forget. Also, I could chronicle my thoughts and refer back here when I have seen some significant incidents in my life. 

So, coming to the point, last night, 18th August, I saw a dream. In my dreams, some days I see tigers or lions, sitting and idling, some walking, some looking at me, some trying to get into my house. Anyway, so this time, it was elephants. I saw elephants, a few herds, crossing the road, then one started running behind me. I wasn't scared, just inconvenienced, sounds weird, doesn't it. There were elephants everywhere, grey, huge, big ones, with shiny grey skin. They all had benevolent eyes none trying to scare me. I had a small girl with me, I kept running and hiding, away from the elephants. 

It was so profound that I Googled it. Here is what I found: 

To see an elephant in your dream indicates that you need to be more patient or more understanding of others. Or perhaps there is a memory that you are holding on to for too long. You need to let go of the past. The elephant is also a symbol of power, strength, faithfulness and intellect. Alternatively, the elephant's introverted personality may be a reflection of your own personality. In particular, if you see a white elephant, then it symbolizes royalty.

To dream that you are riding an elephant indicates that you are in control of your subconscious and aspects that you were once afraid of.
To dream that you are afraid of the elephant suggests that there is an enormous problem that you are afraid to confront.

To dream that you are an elephant suggests that you need to make your opinions and views known. You need to be more vocal and voice your ideas. Express yourself. Alternatively, dreaming that you are an elephant may be reflective of your conservative views. 

To see an elephant in the dream – The meaning of elephant in the dream, indicates sexuality, power and success. This will bring you happiness, wealth and prosperous life. Also this dream symbol shows that you have to learn to be more patience and more humble with others.



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