When it is all my fault

You raise your voice
You raise your hand
I cringe, knowing well the imprint that would land

The skin singes, nerves tingle, throat constricts in pain
I cry out not loud, neighbors should think all is clear
Blue black red green I have seen it all
Marks that no eraser can wipe away
Marks that run with my blood, through my heart

You talk so that you can control
You cry so that you can overpower
I let you do that so that I can live... 


  1. Nithya .....we Live the life we want to live , Some pain is destinical, some pain is inevitable and some pain is choice , choice not because you are weak , only because you choose the magnitude of pain .....I read that 48 hours ago same way as I read each one of your post ....words fail me despite the fact that a million words cannot express my reaction .....Stay Strong , Stay You , Stay Nithya ....and Stay blessed ...may the magnitude of blessings scale ....keep writing ................................

  2. At times, abuse sets you free...It gives birth to a new YOU.


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