
Happened to visit the Chennai Book Fair 2016 recently and bought these books. The book fair is happening in the YMCA grounds, Royapettah and is on till Jan 24th. Check out their Facebook page: 

Chennai Book Fair

Dragged my poor mother along. She trudged along, huffing and puffing, but bravely, wearing an excited smile. She was pretty kicked about her outing and happily browsed through the books. She picked up many books and with a glance would see if I approved of her choice. I recalled how I would pick up costly toys and plead with my eyes and beg her to buy them for me. She would never say no. I did the same. Felt so happy, can't explain in words.  

I found some nice stalls where they were offering books at discounted prices. I got the above for a few hundred rupees and felt amazingly thrilled. 

So, my goal of picking up my reading habit and picking up pace is blessed. Thanks to Mahesh, who posted the picture on FB. Till I complete atleast a couple of the above apart from the 3 books I have in my "Reading" basket, I will give social media a break.    



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