Darkness Within

The weightlessness remains rooted even when the heart feels heavy, uprooted, bleeding second by second...How is it possible I wonder, weightless but heavy
Feels like life is throwing oxymorons at me 
Challenging me, teasing me, morphing from one emotion to another
seamlessly, confusing my mind into thinking that I am dealing with 
myriad emotions...but its all actually one and the same

 The pain doesn't go away, goes nowhere...like matter, just keeps changing 
shapes...formless sometimes, like air or even gas...flows into each crevice
and fills one up, till oxygen gets choked

The zillion pieces that lay scattered on the sands are something that I 
do not want to pick up...I walk on...a few pieces stick to my feet and poke till blood gushes out...I wince but the pinch is not as great as the wound in my heart, I manage to smile...pull the piece of glass and look at it with wonder
A miniscule thing, immaterial by itself but when it makes its presence in the right place and the right time, it brings about immeasurable pain and discomfort...by itself it lies inert...waits, patiently for the force to give a fitting impetus to its form and changes the nature. 

The weightlesness returns to cajole me into its wake
embraces...and entices...you fall...once again into its ever tightening embrace...the heart knows the feeling of lack of oxygen and shrinks...
But...I slip...fall...tumble...into the abyss...darkness reigns. 


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