Soon Soon...

Time went by while I stood there watching the waves crash against the rocks Determined they were, throwing themselves on the hard rocks, 
to etch their sign on them, the rocks...
Steadfast, they stood...grand sometimes...the rocks deterred not... the waves shrunk back to gain momentum and tried again...harder and harder... no luck... When I turned after watching this self flagellation mutely, 
I realized...there was certainly a change in the texture of the rocks...on the outer edges...
they appeared smoother, the glaze of moss caught the moonlight and threw it on the waves... a silent back and forth they did... There comes a time in everybody’s life when you are forced 
to return something that you have got which is not yours to keep. What should one do? Like the waves, keep hitting the rocks, 
till they buckle in or gain momentum and make a gargantuan 
effort to throw the gift on the shore and recede...swiftly...silently...
never to rise again...flow quietly towards another surface...another experience. I am returning one such the process some water droplets I have lost... some chips I have succeeded in pealing...gaining momentum as the moon draws to a null...soon, I promise the other shore, I shall travel there...soon soon...


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