Money Money Money

Money Money Money 
Oh my honey
I love you!

Have seen the shimmer of gold and the glimmer of silver coins make many a man go swaggering...

Of late have been meeting people who love to show off their moneyed selves and flaunt their "oh my beemer that Ramu uses for going to the laundry" and coo "arree baba, take the Rolls na...!" 

Most often these show offs are Punjabis. I 'ave nothing against those poor ole' blokes, just that they are so "pheeka pheeka and arre soo khaali khaali" between their ears ki na...poocho mat! Oaf heads! 

Anyway, I just decided to jerk off on my blog so that I could get some sadistic pleasure seeing me jerk off, howzat! Whoa! it never seems to end, does it? 

Something or the other keeps cropping up. These bundernooks, jerks think they are the best thing that ever happened to mankind. This post is about many such specimens I met and got highly highly amused and allowed them to hang around purely to tickle my funny bone! You know how it is with this funny guy called Vadivel, it is like that, after a point his stale jokes start stinkin'. So are these silly oafs called Punjus! My gosh! Their attitudes....the way they walk and hold their stupid gas filled heads high! And the fierce pride on their stupid color, which reminds me of goat's poo! A couple of specimens I collected during my journey, a babe and a guy. Oldies both of them, think they are the best of the best. Sigh! 

Both happen to write, and read (Chetan Bhagat being a favorite!). Shee! 

Ok, so the guy is a real sleazeball and I loved to throw verbal diatribes at him whenever I could. Like all idiotic Punjus, this guy also used to think he is a cross between Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt and that any woman (especially ek kaali kaluti madraasan) would fall for gora chitta punjabi munda (buddha rather)! Gross! Anyway, so this guy kept sharing crappy stuff that he had conjured up. I would gawk and puke all over, even going to the extent of dissuading him from killing the Bard's language any further, but no, he would persist and insist.

Psycho! A twist of fate and uncle fell off the radar. Thankfully! I celebrated.



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