ATD and me

Saying, I am pissed off would be a gross understatement. Notions and perceptions are becoming routine, oft led by perceived slights and concealed perceptions. 

Do I care? Am I not the person who gives a damn about perceptions. I guess so. I am certainly that person who thinks she is a perfectionist and prides herself on being attentive to detailing. I goofed up today. That is why I am pissed. I could have avoided this. But, like a sitting duck, I gave a neat chance to make them scream, abuse, shout at me. Here, I am, sulking like a girl (which I am) and picking my brains to death. At this rate, me thinks I will be left with nothing. Or, a small portion of it. 

Well, buddy, my mind said, eventually, no use kicking yourself over this miss. You should have been quicker and less gossipy. You did waste a lot of time in yakking and lost a few good hours. Especially, those hours, when you are freshest and sharpest. 

Guess, I just need to put this behind and move on. Eh? 



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