Book Review: I Quit, Now What


Name: I Quit! Now What? 
Author: Zarreen Khan 
Publisher: Amaryllis 
Pages: 289

Have you ever come across a story that you can relate to so well, you wonder, why you didnt write it? Yes? Well, I just completed reading a story just like that. And I was nodding like mad. It felt so true and so close to the heart.

There is thing about well-written stories. By well-written, I mean stories that are neatly packaged, have no typos or mistakes, and instantly reel you in. This story was like that. From the word go, I got hooked. To say that it is a great story would be a hype. It is not. It is a normal story, about a normal woman, about a very common occurrence. It happens to all of us, sometime or the other. Working people can relate to the story totally.

The publisher sent me the book for an honest review. And here it is. A totally honest review.

Initial thoughts:

The moment I picked up the book I felt a smile creeping up. The cover was so simple yet powerful: Yellow, pink, blue sticky notes with reminders. These notes are a bane of any corporate worker. In some offices, they are a stark reminder of the employees' non-existing personal lives. The book is neatly bound and has a nice feel. The embossed letters and the print quality add to the overall neat effect. There are two parts to the book: The Corporate Life and The Sabbatical. The blurb on the back cover piques your curiosity enough to open the book and start reading. I took 1.5 days to read it. I feel it can be read in a shorter duration also.

The actual review:

I Quit! Now What? is the story of Nimisha Arora. One fine day Nimisha goes off on a sabbatical, without a Plan B. Well, she does have a list (created in MS Excel) but it seems quite improbable as the days go by. I Quit is a story about a woman who wants to go on a sabbatical and decide on the next course of action in her life.

The story begins in Goa where Nimisha is attending her BFF Isha's wedding. After attending the wedding, Nimisha jumps right into the never ending demands of her corporate life. She works for a toy company called Toddlerz and is distressed at the very thought of working for her grumpy grouchy boss Mahesh. Working endless hours makes Nimisha want to realign her goals in life. That is when she bumps into the pregnant Nivedita who is planning to go on a sabbatical after her baby's delivery. Nimisha chews on this new thought and considers it for herself.

The story is beautifully woven around the various people who cross Nimisha's path, the frailties of relationships, and the human reactions that portray our inner battles.

The second part of the book, The Sabbatical is all about Nimisha's sabbatical. Does she actually achieve whatever she aims to or does she do something else is a question, you, my reader should find out.

All of us have at some point wanted to take a quiet break and vanish into nothingness. God promise, I certainly have wished, many a times in my corporate life. Taking a sabbatical takes a lot of courage. You must read this well-written story to find out if Nimisha succeeded in her sabbatical quest or not. Did she achieve what she wanted to or did she fail miserably?

This is a rare book, with a touching story. Zarreen Khan has a neat story around a common occurrence. Do pick this up and enjoy the moments with the headstrong Nimisha Arora.

Rating: 4.8/5
Time to read: 1 day if you are someone like me (on a sabbatical!) Or a few days if you are like Nimisha.

Buy at Amazon


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Awesome review that makes feel like grabbing the book off the shelf. Way to go lady!!


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