
Kids - Sami

Fida, a movie that really touched me. I simply adore the songs. "Maine jisko chaha mil gaya.." An amazing rendition...The beats are too good. Listening to it. Now. Today there was a kid in the office. Kids are totally out of the league of right wrong or formality etc. They are never bother to be nice or try to appear happy when they are a bit upset or vice versa... The child got a chocolate from an "aunty," but she was not ready to share the chocolate with another aunty. She simply shook her pretty head and evoked roaring laughter from all of us! So much for aksing for a choc....haaahaa... Personally, never been comfortable around kids. Dunno why. Maybe it has to do something with a childhood cause. Or it is a fear of rejection! Who knows!

Chennai 3-wheelers

The breed more popularly called the "auto-karans" are some force to reckon with. Getting an auto in Chennai is a feat needing mastery. Total mastery. You have to be standing on the right side of the road to be able to reach your destination. Say, if you want to go from Adyar to Nandanam, you cannot commit blasphemy and stand on the wrong side of the road. You will be charged with a smirk and a scowl, and you will have to part with an extra 10 rupees. In all probability, the distance would not even demand such a huge fare of Rs. 40. If lady luck is smiling at you, you might even get an autowallah who would drop you at your place for a meagre Rs. 30! Guess, I need to appease all the gods so that when I step out of my cozy coccoon, I get an auto and the auto-karan who does not have the sole goal in his life of reducing my bank balance. My dad, is a real smart guy. He never succumbs to the temptation of hopping into the awkward looking vehicle, the auto. He prefers the much bigge

Hatred - an emotion under threat

Hi blog, Read a blog of a guy called Nocturne. Here is the URL. He has some real strong views on love and relations. Guess must be a devdas or something. Anyway, I have tried hard to be in the Present and not think anything even remotely connected to my past. Why is it so difficult for us to pull away from something that is not tangible at all. It is something like God, you know, everyone knows He is present, but no one believes until one has felt the presence. Same way, unless you have had a heartbreak, you never know, what feeling remorse or hatred is. Hatred - an emotion, which signifies that the person who is being hated has hurt you real bad and you are kicking yourself for allowing them to do it. What else can be said. Am writing so much nowadays. My god! I must be seriously worried or sad. Guess both. I have felt all these emotions before. It is like de ja vu. It keeps happening again and again. To me. I wonder, should I just stop and let everyt

Some short stories to while away time

Posting some stories written by me: I Was Sold Madhumita was born in Andhra Pradesh, India, to poor scavenger parents. Her parents, Mohan Babu and Lakshmi had more mouths to feed. They had seven children. They thought contraception was a sin. Madhumita was the eighth and an extra mouth to feed, and constantly demanded milk, when she was hungry. All her mother could manage were the leftovers from the Ramprasad Hotel’s garbage bin. ******************** Anita and Karan Reddy were looking for a baby girl to give a home to, when they chanced upon the photo of a cute but frail baby in the Sai Orphanage’s office catalog. They requested to see the baby. ‘She is only one month old,’ said the Matron. Anita could already feel a tug at her heart. It was as if the baby was calling out to her and was pleading her to take her home. Anita and Karan fell in love with the almond-shaped eyes and long limbs of the infant. She promised to be

Coffee and starting the day

Hi blog! I start my day with coffee. Somehow the brew is very addictive and intoxicating. Intoxicating?? What am i saying?? How can a nicotine-laced stuff be anything like that? Well, that is how I feel coffee is. The lovers for coffee round the world might agree with me. My cuppa in the morning wakes my sleepy mind and makes me awake and shine. In the real sense of the world it is "Rise and Shine." Hmm man's affair with this heady concoction started in Circa 850. An Ethiopian shepherd, chanced upon this wonder herb, when one of his goats became "extra active" after chewing on the herb. Viola! Coffee had been discovered. Circa 1100 : "The coffee first trees are cultivated on the Arabian peninsula. Coffee is first roasted and boiled by Arabs making "qahwa" --- a beverage made from plants." {Courtesy - } Interestingly, Qahwa is the also a type of tea usually drunk in parts of the Himalayan kingdom

My latest welled up thoughts

Hi blog, Happened to get a sneak peek into one of my friend's blog. Well, my friend is not aware of my action. It is just that my sharp (I wear specs) eyesight caught his URL and I immediately keyed it in a browser, and bingo I was trespassing somebody's personal space! Was this violation? Not exactly. I didn't mean any harm. Just plain curiousity. And to my utter amazement, my friend had written about an encounter we had had, the previous day. Actually, it was a bit twisted and I just wanted to smoothen it up. Hmm.. I write blogs to get my words into perspective. That is the way I think too. But hey! what the hell, I am not robbing a bank right. But I wonder, is it slander on my part to write about some person who is absent from the scene, when I am writing this?? Google Papa says, no I am not committing slander by writing about an absent person. Only If I throw some sorta dung on their names, I am guilty of it. Else it is a clean run. Well and good. So, I have decided to

About writing that others call blogging!!!

Came across this word recently and stuck to it in jogging or haggling...all the ings in the world.. great way to start my day actually! I have been writing blogs for over a year now. But I dont write often. Hm..why i dont know but I feel I dont get the inclination to write anything in a virtual diary. I didnt write anything in my physical diary sad! But i didnt have time also. So I guess I am home free. I am a bit upset coz of the call. I shouldnt have called. I think.

Book Review #1: The Present - By Spencer Johnson M.D.

The Present - Book Review The Present tackles issues that take us, mere mortals, by our horns. The book is actually an eye-opener on the fact that we, all of us, spend our lives, pondering over petty things, or big things, that never happened in the Past or might happen in the Future. According to the book, our life is like a camera placed on a tripod. The three legs of the tripod represent: The Present The Past & The Future While it is important that we never forget the past, it is also important that we do not make ourselves sick by worrying about the unknown Future and the long-gone Past . The Present that any person can get is to live in the Present moment, cherish the Present moment. 'Coz the Present moment after a while will become the Past. How True! I always do these mistakes myself. It was like a slap on my face when I read these words. I brood over the Past and think about the mistakes I did and cry over spilt milk. However what I should do is I should live

The Coming Soon Part!

I got some real gyan today. Got to read a book called "The Present" by Spencer Johnson who has an M.D degree and who has written several books of this nature. Well. It was indeed a great read and I intend to present it to someone who can actually get some good gyan out of the knowledge pearls hidden in it. I think I should give the book to Priya and Rajesh. She needs it and I believe she can even understand the story. I doubt whether R can even start to comprehend what is written in the book. It is way beyond his intellect and ability. He needs more maturity to grasp an dunderstand the wise words of the "old man" who is the Sutradhaar of the story. I believe there is another book by the same author which talks about a present that a person can give himself or herself. I think I would really want to read it. Maybe I will try to get my hands on the "The Present" and its prequel in Landmark or some book joint. Hmm lemme see when can I get away to read a book?

Being Alone and not lonely

13th June 2005: 9:30 AM Joined Sify. Well everything around me seems to be revolving or connected to Sify in some way as of today. Dunno why but I seem to have a fatalistic conenction with Sify and their Iways. Hmm...what better way to tell it out than writing it in my blog. I am blogging after a long time. The last time I blogged it was more of a disaster! I dont even want to think about all those times. It was a pain that stayed with me till the time I left that place. My god it was such a pain. In a wrong place. OK. Let bygones be bygones. Circa 4:45 PM. June 13th.. First day coming to an end. Almost. Can leave by 6 PM. Actually no work to do. So guess can leave exactly by 6! Hah! Think that about AN. No way... This is now and that was then. I have moved on right. So let us get a brand new beginning. I am part of something new now and would think I have new things to learn and do. I can do so many things. I have already planned what all I have to do. That is part of a new blog.